Friday, 19 June 2009

Fiji update

Phase 17: Week 1- 21st April -28th April 2009

All the volunteers arrived at Nadi bay! We all got together and got to know each other by the pool. We did a brief intro on what the next few weeks had in store for them and Steve and I showed up in normal camp attire - Sulus. That night we all went and had a big meal at the Bounty Bar and filled the whole place!
After a heavy night at Eds bar I had to take the volunteers to buy there Bula shirts, Bula dresses, pocket sulus and other bits and bobs. That night we went to pizza king!
After a night on the ferry we arrived in Savu Savu where we then got our supplies of food. (That’s a lot of porridge!!) We then started the 3 hour truck journey leaving civilisation behind us. It was good fun! We got stuck in the mud numerous times and had to get out and push the truck but we finally got to Nukubalavu, our home for the rest of phase, only 5 hours after we set out!!

Sunday was our “spag out” day, we set up camp, sanding paths, setting up our bures and settling in, getting to know each other a little better!.
The volunteers set off for our local village, Navatu, for our Sevu Sevu (asking permission to stay on their land, being accepted into the village and apologising for anything we may do in the next 10 weeks that offends them). The first test of being accepted into the village was experiencing grog (kava) for the first time!
It was time for the volunteers to get wet! They had to swim 300 meters and tread water for a few minutes to pass the fitness test and they are now all set to start their Open Water course.

Love Always

Rosser the Trainee

Phase 17: Week 2- 29th April – 5th May 2009

Everyone is settled into camp life and so begins all the dive training. With Paul, Jade and our new Instructor Will.I.Am, the volunteers are put through their paces and introduced to the weird feeling of breathing underwater! The Instructors work extremely hard taking one group in after another to the point that they must have aged 50 years by the looks of their wrinkly skin!! Luckily though, we are situated right on the beach and all training diving is done from shore.

Saturday brought about my 24th birthday. All the volunteers woke up at 06:00 to sand the path to my bure (I live on a hill and it was no easy task!). Buckets of sand falling to the ground 2ft from my face (I’m passed out! Beauty sleep is a necessity!). I then get woken by every one having written ‘Happy Birthday Steve’ in the sand with shells and singing Happy Birthday as I stumble down my nice new path. The staff pooled together and bought me a Guitar (I love it….and I love them!). Throughout the day, we all get a dive in and we prepare our costumes for the Adam & Eve/Back to Nature Party! Hundreds of Doughnut balls are made….some are stuffed full of chocolate (did I mention I love these people?!). Feeling fat…we party, and as the first proper Saturday night on camp, its loud, its crazy, it’s an absolute freefall but definitely a night to remember!

As always, hangovers are always best spent asking for forgiveness in church the next day! :-/ And once again we return to Namalata. Namalata seems to host the first church service of every month where several villages come together and spend time with each other. This always proves to be an awesome event; the food, the singing, the Kava. We are part of this community and it’s what we love about the place. However, the first service of the month is particularly long and the faces of some volunteers were begging for the end!!

Monday, we, as always, run a playschool for the kids in Navatu village. Thankfully, the kids are on a 2 week holiday from School (as usually they board throughout the week) and as such, playschool is heaving! The volunteers had their work cut out for them, but, with a few crayons, and an origami lesson, they’re rewarded with a shed load of cake!

All in all, it’s been a brilliant week for the volunteers to blend into life out here and they’ve all put so much effort in. There seems to be an awesome bond this phase between the volunteers and the community here!

Steve Fitzpatrick

Assistant Scientist

Phase 17: Week 3- 6th May – 12th May

The third week started with half the group attempting both deep and navigational dives for their advanced dive course. By the end of the week all divers had attained advanced open water status! YAY!
However, the single greatest achievement of the week, was the production of lentil burgers, by those on dinner duty (including me, cat) it was the greatest meal so far, although it took 3 hours to make!
Saturday was a day of rest and fun dives, followed by the weekly Saturday night booze fest. The theme was 60’s and 70’s with some of the team remembering these eras better than others (Pops).

Sunday, whilst normally a day of rest was spent celebrating mothers day with are adopted Fijian families. We dare you to eat as much tea and cake as we did. We attended 2 church services and were entertained by a Fijian rendition of what we think was the story of Moses. It was an excellent day all round. Monday morning half the group went to kinder whilst the other unlucky half had to clean camp, after this, fish lectures began, wish us luck in identifying fish that look EXACTLY the same.

Pops & Cat

Phase 17: Week 5- 20th – 26th May

  • EFR course completed
  • Fundraiser to Kiobo
  • Met the Chief of Kubulau
  • Thunder & rain on Friday/beautiful sunshine come Monday
  • 1st Namena trip
  • Watched Twilight on movie night
  • Palm tree fell down – Kodak moment for a Phase photo
  • Fish Identification points

Another week gone & its hard to believe we’re nearly at the halfway point! Many of us have lovely tans to show for our month in the sun. Some of us do not!!

The weather has been funny this week; monsoon like rain drenched us on the way to a village fundraiser at Kiobo. However, by the end, it had redeemed itself with gorgeous sunshine come Sunday. The weather was so beautiful today (Monday) that the first lucky few divers got to take a trip out to Namena. They were all on such a high when the came back, telling tales of turtles, sharks and amazing water visibility that had the rest of us drooling. Hopefully the 2nd visit will not be too far away!

Another high point of the week was our fundraiser in Kiobo on the Friday. Due to the weather it was not the outdoorsy event we had imagined, but sitting in a small room with a tin roof, drinking lots of Kava, eating cake and dancing was more fun than anyone could have hoped for! We’ve got some real movers and shakers amongst us it seems, and everyone was happy to see ‘THE GUNS’ make an appearance (Naka Sonic!) The chief of Kubulau joined us for the evening - now there’s a man who loves his music! He invited a few of us to sing along and (after an initial panic) much fun was had by all. Everyone agreed it was a great night!

Lily & Steph

Phase 17: Week 6- 27th May – 2nd June

This week has been an eventful one, filled with fish, coral and invertebrates revision and yet more size estimation dives!! The weekend started with a game of ‘Capture the Flag’, fortunately no major injuries, just a few cuts and bruises. Saturday night was the last night for the 6 weekers. We had ‘Bure wars’ with various games. “Good organised fun!” The first game was spin stick. This involved drinking beer from a snorkel, spinning around and running across the volleyball court whilst wearing fins.

However, ‘beer pong’ (played with beer caps) drew the biggest crowds, ending in a show down between Paul & Jade for the staff team, against George & Josh from the Chill Out Bure. It was a tense game but George & Josh won, putting the Chill Out Bure in the lead, with the Staff coming in a close second. Good effort guys.

The 6 weekers departed on Sunday morning. It was surreal to wave goodbye to them and it hasn’t properly sunk in that they’ve gone. They won’t be forgotten. The mood was picked up for Nurse Nic’s birthday. We made flap jacks, a rare treat and a better use for porridge oats!

We’ve started learning survey techniques, so it shouldn’t be long until we’re in the water. Everyone is now busy studying for fish tests. Hopefully we all pass this week. Wish us luck!

Annabelle & Hayleigh

Monday, 8 June 2009

Day 21-25 Nepal Annapurna Trek

So after our inspiring week staying with the families in Chitwan, the group split, with about half travelling back to Kathmandu to commence the Everest Trek; while the others travel to Pochura for the start of the Annapurna Trail. After a week of 100% Dhal Bhat, the Annapurna crew got stuck in to some overdue Western style eating and shopping, even managing to squeeze in a very English picnic in the middle of a road island. Very scenic indeed. Before leaving the comforts of tourist town, the group began to mentally prepare for the trekking ahead.The first day of trekking was relatively simple, in respect that the direction of travel wasn't continually upwards. Even the hot, midday sun was defeated with a 'mountain fresh' dip in the glacier river. After several hours walking we pulled up to the tea house where we would retire. After a sweat-busting shower, the group gathered to play cards. Next day was literally the stairway to heaven. With the direction up, up, up; the day was a definate thigh and bum muscle workout. General chat and singing did make the day pass. However the thought of bed and Nepalease tea more than spurred most on. Now at our highest altitude so far, the group manged to pull together for a 4am start, where we would travel up Poon Hill to get a spectacular, panoramic sunrise view of the Annapurna range. Unfortunately, the British weather crept in, but even with some cloud on the horizon, it was still well worth the extra effort. Little did we know it wasn't the early start that had this day marked; but the ongoing battle against the leeches. Though only several centimetres long, they proved more than mighty enough to make these hard-worn trekkers squirm!The group will contine for several more days in order to reach Annapurna Base Camp, and already we have seen numerous ecosystems and cultures of these mountainous regions. Who's to say what will await in the upcoming days?