Friday, 7 May 2010

Bahamas- April 2010- Week 3

The week started abruptly for the learner divers who were faced with the prospect of their open water exams. Thankfully we all passed and gained the first of our dive qualifications, much to our relief.

Through Tuesday and Wednesday studies continued meaning we can now successfully identify over 100 different types of fish. Along with this we began our Advanced Open Water qualification by studying and then mastering the multi-level dive.

Our free-diving skills were also tested for the first time. Following a series of deep, relaxing breathing techniques on the beach, we took to the water; with the group noticing a vast improvement in their ability to hold their breath underwater and dive to new depths.

We also had our first opportunity to introduce ourselves to the local school children of Stanyard Creek. Split between three classes at the local primary, we introduced ourselves followed by our theme for this phase – the affects of rubbish on the local environment and the reef, with the promise of a beach clean and big art project to follow.

After a busy week the group was treated to a barbeque on the beach, with some food supplied by local friends, including a large hogfish, lion fish fritters and some conch salad, caught and prepared by some of the group earlier that afternoon. Full and satisfied we relaxed into Saturday evening looking forward to another busy week ahead.

Richard Howe

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